Creativity is a very good quality, because people who are creative are also very flexible, confident, spontaneous, less controlled and are more expressive. Creativity and Originality often get mixed up. Most things that seem to be new or original are actually old ideas brought together. If people think visually and non-verbally they are able to enhance creativity.
A Comparison of Scientific Research method and Design Process models
| Research method | Design process |
Preparation for research | Literature review | Study historic and contemporary examples, media |
Information gathering. Goal: to limit variables and identify problem | Collection of preliminary field data | Experimentation with materials and visual ideas |
Identification of problem and hypothesis | Information correlated; problem defined; educated guesses made; hypotheses stated; research design prepared | Design problem identified through visual analysis and recognition |
Exposition of facts and interpretation | Research plan is carried out; results are analyzed, plan is modified as necessary based on results; experiments are replicated | Work is created in a series, with each work suggesting problems to explore in subsequent work |
Presentation of results and findings | Publication of findings | Exhibition of work or production of design |
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