Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

Color Wheel and Complementary Colors

primary.gifPrimary Colors 

secondary.gifSecondary Colors

tertiary.gifTertiary colors ( created with secondary and primary colors)

analogous.gifAnalogous Colors

color wheel displaying active - passive rangesThe color wheel can be divided into ranges that are visually active or passive. Active colors will appear to advance when placed against passive hues. Passive colors appear to recede when positioned against active hues.


To call those hues in direct opposition to each other "complements of each other" is appropriate. Complementary colors bring out the best in each other. When fully saturated complements are brought together, interesting effects are noticeable. This may be a desirable illusion, or a problem if creating visuals that are to be read.

Note that Vibrating Boundaries may occur when opposing colors are brought together.

(Notice the illusion of highlighted edges and raised text.)


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