Donnerstag, 28. August 2008

When the ZIS Upper School was designed they made a plan, which was also a type of advertisement because it was put up in several places. This plan had several points that described the new school and one of them was.

Transparent, open spaces, lots of light,
open to surrounding community.

 The architects successfully managed to apply this statement to their plans. There are large windows almost in every room of the school, there are many open spaces and it feels very transparent due to the large windows and big open spaces. It was a good design, because it follows the statement of form follows function. The big windows are there for lots of light and light is good because it makes rooms look bigger, less dull and its better to learn in bright places, the big spaces are good for socializing and learning. 

Mittwoch, 27. August 2008

Upper School Design

The Upper School is an okay design, because it does follow the concept form follows function, its simple but very practical. Its hard to "use" because even though it is very simple, its almost symetrical a

London Underground-Furniture Design

The map of the London Underground is a great design, because it follows the concept of form follows function, it has not been changed since 70 years and its easy to understand and look at. 

The chairs that are in the cafeteria are a good design, because they have stayed that way for 50 years, they are simple and they also follow the concept of form follows function. 


For my company I have decided to do adidas, because I compared the two well known sports company's, which are adidas and nike. I like adidas more, but its advertisement is not as good as nike. In my opinion adidas is a better company, but has worse advertisement than nike, so I want to do the advertisement for adidas and make it better and more common.

Dienstag, 26. August 2008

Pre-Course Survey

The only large design technology projects that I have done so far, were done in school. An example of this would be a movie that I did on Hygiene in Africa, in my 8th grade history class. It was not a real movie, it was basically just several pictures with "touching" quotes and sad music playing in the back round. It sounds really easy, but it actually took a while to do and make the pictures and music come in at the right time. I have also done several movies in drama, where we first just filmed everything and did the same scenes many times. Then we cut out and deleted the scenes that were bad or didn't fit in right and we were left with the good stuff. Eventually we added music made everything fit together right, edited scenes and we were left with a pretty good movie. 

I am hoping to learn how to do proper designs and to get better at trying to make a great design, which now i have learned is very hard to do. I signed up for this course, because I was hoping to learn more about proper designs, colors, shapes, functions etc. but now I have learned that design doesn't have much to do with beauty and has more to do with function, so i am excited to find out more about the importance of function in designs. 

Form and function

Form follows function, which means that the shape of a building should be based upon its intended purpose. A lot of architects or designers work with this statement, but if one looks closer it doesn’t always work out. Louis Sullivan made the phrase famous and also called it a “rule” or “law”. Form follows function and ornamental crime are often talked about together. Modernism aloud a buildings shape and looks to be only determined by the function, and no extra ornamental or artistic things to be added.

Donnerstag, 21. August 2008

Great Design I

Great Design I
According to Joel Spolsky technology and designs have gotten more complicated and harder to understand with time. He talks about a cell phone and how the icons on it don’t really make sense, with this he means that its not logical that one must use the red button to turn on a phone. He talks about how frustrating it must be to use new gadgets and that it’s getting harder and more complicated. He also talks about the bestsellers like Mac. A great design has to fulfill expectations and be simple, but at the same time be a unique piece of work.
Great Design II
In the second article Joel Spolsky is defining 2 words very specifically. The two words are great and design. He said that design has nothing to do with beauty or artistic skill, this was very surprising for me, as I had thought that design was all about that. Then he described how complicated it was to design an ideal trashcan, because for example it had to be big but small at the same time. He explains how newer technology is getting more complicated. (Thomas C. Gale said: “Good design adds value faster than it adds cost.”)
Great Design III
In this final article he is defining great design and if I understood it right, he is saying that an example of great design is an iPod. Even though mp3 players have more features and are way cheaper, the iPod is still number 1. Then he says that even if your design fulfills the criteria of a great design, for example if it meets the requirements of the consumer, the chance of it being number 1, like an iPod, is slim.

My design is an iPod, because I think its a great design, amd Joel said an iPod is a great design in article 3 . In article 2 Joel says that technology is getting more and more complicated with time. This does not apply to the iPod, the iPod has not gotten much more complicated with newer models, the way of usage is the same in the oldest and the newest model. In design 1 he says that for a design to be great, it has to fulfill the users expectations, and it does, it plays music. In design 3 he says how the iPod is bestseller and nr.1 on the market, even though it is not the best type of music player. Creative Zen is better than the iPod, because it is cheaper and it has more memory.